Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 on 10 [September]

10 on 10
Take one photo an hour for ten hours on the tenth day of the month and then post the photos on your blog - capture a snapshot of the ordinary beauty of a simple day in your life!

Technically, this should start at 5:00am when Lance called me because he was locked out of the house...
or at 6:45, when Beckham woke up to nurse but had slept 7 1/2 hours (for the 3rd night-- woo hoo!) so got full off of one side and I had to get up and pump...

but its not.
Its starting at 9:00.
When Beckham re-woke.

Playing in Maddox's old Jeep.
Maddox stayed the night with Gigi and Pop.
[Maybe they offered...
or maybe I shoved the idea on them.
Who knows?!]

Beckham went down for his morning nap. 
And I showered with my new shampoo that I got for $5.99 plus 15% off yesterday.
I love a bargain.
And I love my new locks that my SIL hooked me up with on Thursday.
Mom and Maddox were almost back to our house.
Which meant a quick bath for B.
in the kitchen sink.

A quick sandwich for me from Subway, then on to Lantana (my aunt's neighborhood) for their community garage sale.
[Pinterest projects in mind.]

Epic fail.
My mom nor I are garage-salers, so even though we were equipped with walking shoes and a jogging stroller, we missed the memo that things will be put away by 2:00.
Mom did hop out at one house...
but there were no items to "better after"
so we decided to head back to FTW
and visit Hobby Lobby. 

Beckham needed to nurse.
And me and mom Maddox needed icecream.
I may have had a kid's meal. with my icecream
[If you read the part about a Subway sandwich just a couple of hours ago, then I may have not had one either?]

Back home...
I wrangled Maddox down for a nap.
And Beckham quickly followed suit.

Ready for Wendy's 30th birthday celebration in Decatur.
(I will try and post the pictures of the party tomorrow)

For other 10-on-10ers, you can check out this link.


  1. I usually try and have even number of pictures of both boys and it is bothering me that this post is so lop-sided... but I didn't have Maddox 1/2 of the day! :)

  2. If I don't get out to garage sales here by 6am...there's no use going! Those Amish ladies are up early and buy up all the goods!
    Love the bathtub picture!!!!

  3. You always look so cute and put together and your boys always make the cutest, sweetest faces!

    Hitting up garage sales is on my to do list and there's this furniture thrift shop on the way to my parents' house I want to stop into one of these days with all sorts of old furniture and goodies - lots of "better afters". One day.

    I was attempting to do 10 on 10, but Macie ended up going with Chris' mom yesterday afternoon, so I had nothing to photograph.

  4. Love the bath in the sink ... too cute!
