Tuesday, May 11, 2010

brown chicken brown cow

  • I am soooooooooooo tired.  I have been tired for a full week now. :(  I can not wait to kick this sleepyness... I have a TON of things that NEED to be done!
  • Maddox has developed a new love for letters!  Es and Ms are his favorite although he likes Os and Hs and randomly a few others too.  We are still baffled as to where this came from but it is quite impressive.  I posted a video of him spying a few to my Facebook.  Watch it!  :)
  • We took our kiddos to the newly renovated Fort Worth Science and History Museum last week.  My friend Po has a year pass so we were able to go for free!  It was AMAZING!!  It had lots of age appropriate games and activities for our babies and was completely appropriate for the bigger kids too.  It was a ton of fun.  I can't wait to go back!  With 7 kiddos/ 5 adults, you would think that someone would have got cranky but they just played their little hearts out... and all CRASHED before we made it out of the parking garage to leave!

  • I have felt like poo for 4 days now.  I have not ran fever since Sunday night but still feel yucky nonetheless.  I work in a germ pit, so I can assume I picked something up there!  Or maybe it was a little souvenir from our play date.  But either way, better me than Maddox!
  • At 10:00pm Saturday, I decided I wanted to go stay at mom's.  No one takes care of me like my mom, and it always feels like a mini-getaway when we go out there!  No dishes, no laundry, and Maddox will chase frogs on the front porch for hours.  He could run as far as his little legs could take him with no worries of busy traffic whipping by.  Its just simpler out there.

  • I WISH we could sale our house and head back to Wise County.  But our realtor basically laughed when I asked to put it on the market.  I called about going the short-sale route since we can prove we have had a substantial income loss but they too basically laughed.  Our account is crystal clear, never being late on even one payment, so it is very unlikely we would qualify.  STINK!
  • We went to Red Lobster for Mother's Day (yes, I don't eat fish... but I felt like crud and it didn't matter where we went, I wasn't eating-- so everyone else might as well get to do sea food for once!)

  • Maddox has a new obsession for Carnation instant breakfast drink and these Boost chocolate milk drinks... he BEGS for them!  The carnation drink has twice the protein of an egg and double the calcium of milk so I guess he could be begging for worse. I'll keep this in mind my next pregnancy since meat made me absolutely ill to think about last go around!
  • I have an obsession for sweet tea and Sunkist.  Not together.
  • This past week was nurses appreciation week!  The doctors bought us beautiful flowers and a sweet card.

  • However, I have to be honest... Those were a picture of my friend Diane's!  By the time I went to pick my flowers up, they looked like this! LOL!!!!  

  • I bought clippers, thinning shears, and regular shears to try and learn how to cut Maddox's hair.  Randi is going to come over and show me and some of my other friends of boys how to cut their hair.  It grows so fast and $40 every 3-4 weeks for him and Lance PLUS my cut and color every 6 weeks or so -gets old.  Maybe if I master Maddox's, I can try on Lance.  ;)  Yeah right.  He is SO picky about his hair.
  • We have a play date set again for tomorrow.  It is mainly to give a friend of mine Maddox's clothes from last summer but might as well play while we are there!  I had NO IDEA Maddox had this many 12 month summer clothes... Lance swears some still fit him-- HOWEVER Maddox is wearing 24 month/ 2T shirts and 18 mo/ 24mo shorts so we are FAR from wearing these.  I typically put stuff up in the attic in plastic tubs just in case the next one's a boy but there are already 4 tubs up there and he's not even 2 yet so I feel better about sharing than storing and who knows if we will be using it again.  Not to mention she took such good care of my maternity clothes, and isn't having any more babies so she said, she'd give them all back to me when they are done!   Win/ win!
  • Why is it that when I don't feel great I rack my brain for something that I don't have to wear a bra with?  Today I am wearing a dress for this sole purpose.  Like the bra makes me feel worse!?
  • We STILL have not booked our vacation.  We are running out of time.  We have to book it before June2 or else we lose the $600 AA vouchers.  STRESS!!!!!  There are so variables that are making my head spin.  I wish Lance would just take care of it!!
  • Lance is ranked #1 in his school right now!  I am very proud of him.  He is WAY smarter than he gives himself credit for,  however I do not think he has been #1 on ANYTHING education-wise ever!  He is studying his hiney off so I hope he holds his place!  He deserves it!
  • Maddox thinks its fun to dress himself these days... typically it is some sort of pajama (since he can easily get into that drawer) but it is almost always paired with his rain boots!

  •  I am really worried about Maddox's birthday party in July... his actual birthday falls on a Saturday this year which would be perfect EXCEPT my mom will be in Paris and my brother and his family will be in New Mexico.  If we waited to do it a week later, my mom will still be gone and then Lance's sister will be on vacation too.  HOWEVER, if we do it the weekend before, it is July 4th weekend.  And NO ONE will be able to come.... AAAHHHHHH!!!! What to do, what to do?
  • Not to mention I have already booked THE cake lady for the 10th.  She books for over 6 months in advance so I was stoked I was able to get her this year and now I am going to have to cancel her?? That has to be bad karma?!

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