I attempt to learn something everyday... and this week was no different.
Dentist appointment.
Check up.
Visiting my grandma and great grandma.
Pedicure and dinner with mom and my sister... with NO KIDS!
Soaking it in.
Here's what I learned:
That no matter how much I anticipate Lance's days off to be fun filled-- they are usually stress-filled, jam-packed and go by way too quickly.
That it feels so good to be told your child has good manners. Better than cute, better than smart and better than funny. Dr Lantzy was so impressed by him, he had the hygienist come in and do a full cleaning (even though we weren't booked for one). The hygienist was so impressed that she asked if she could do films but Dr. Lantzy said we would stop while we were ahead. The girls at check out just raved over how well he behaved and I am sure I was beaming from ear to ear. (partly because I was so proud, and partly because I was so lucky to schedule his dentist appointment on a 'good day'... because we all know, a 2 year old's behavior is 40% discipline and 60% LUCK!)
That it doesn't feel good to be bigger no matter who you are. A normal size 2 adapting into being a 6... or a 12 adapting to being a 16. ....both suck. I promise. I'm rocking men's t-shirts most days, refusing to buy bigger clothes!
That I am the worst person to buy gift cards for. I lose them about 80% of the time... and when I actually hang on to one, I never find anything for myself. Like Wednesday when I spent my $50 GC that I got for my birthday, on Maddox. Oh, motherhood.
That I needed a pedicure in a ridiculous way. That is all I could think about at the dentist office... "please don't look at my toes... please don't look at my toes..." It had been over 10 weeks. Beckham is 9 weeks old... and I got one before he was born... wait! no! I got one before my birthday... maybe 11 weeks. Gross. It's summer time for Pete's sake. Got it taken care of last night. Sans kids.
That Maddox thinks his birthday party is anything but fireman. He told Dr Hayward it was a dinosaur- outer space party and the cupcake lady it was a Cars and Toy Story party, and then asked for a few Dora cupcakes too. I hope he isn't too disappointed with the fire junk... its already been bought.
That check ups still suck with the second one. I cried. But not like my baby bitty did. He cried all day Thursday. He was irritable before the check-up, and the shots did him in. Terrible. Sad. Hate it.
That I 'm glad I followed my mom-gut and had my shift covered that night. I would have been miserable an hour away from home with him like that. And I don't know that daddy and bottled booby milk would have done the trick to soothe. Although Lance was the only one with the magic touch at the office.
That my husband knows exactly who he would marry if I were to die. Well-- maybe not exactly like that... but from time to time I like to set him up for conversations of failure. It goes something like this, "If I died tomorrow, and you re-married, would you have more kids?" :: "Probably not." :: "Why not?" (expecting some super-sweet reasoning) :: "because she would probably already have kids of her own too." :: "Oh? Already have someone in mind?" :: "No, but I'm 30... by the time we dated, and were engaged, and then got married, I doubt we would have kids." :: "Hmm. Who's we? You had to have been envisioning someone there... who's this tramp raising my kids." :: "Holly, you're crazy." :: "point taken." :) [PS: just in case I do die tomorrow... I 100% want Lance to re-marry... I just like to make him nervous from time to time.]
That my Mamaw is the cutest person I know. She's almost 96. She can't remember hardly anyone's name anymore, but otherwise-- she's with it. She thinks Maddox is a child genius, and of course he pulls out all the stops to prove her correct. Love her.
She keeps a tray full of things (old watches, happy meal toys, greeting cards, old honey bottles, etc.) and he asks for it every time he comes over. My meme asked to keep a couple of the cars out this time... so she could play with them when she was bored!
That my blog is pop'n lately. 2000 views in June. That makes me a little nervous, because I really just like writing for me and not worrying about 2000 different views and personalities. I'll pretend it said 2. That should help.
That I can put almost anything into Maddox's spaghetti and he will still eat it. (usually I puree squash and zucchini-- but my mom has thrown in black-eyed peas) He loves spaghetti.
That I spy with an Iphone can be fun. I sent Maddox on a quest (with my phone) to take pictures of red things, then blue, green, etc... he likes a close-up!!
That Maddox remembers everything. He will tell you about something that happened 6 months ago-- and remembers it exactly. He also remembers conversations verbatim.
That Beckham is looking more and more like his daddy everyday.
That Decatur WalMart must have a hidden sign that says, "No bath, no problem." I'm appalled every time I visit.
That Beckham is getting so big. He was 1/2 of an ounce shy of 12 pounds and was 24" long.
That Lance is still such a child on the inside. I told Maddox he could get a gift for acting so great at the dentist on Wednesday. He chose a Spiderman dive set-- Lance chose a Toy Story ball that pops open and a parachute flies out. After some serious discussion, Maddox went with the ball. Lance won.
That Beckham is just not a binky baby. No matter how bad I want him to be-- it only works when force fed. He'd rather use me to pacify. That results in frequent stops on days in Ft Worth to nurse him to sleep.
That Amaretto Sours taste just as good as I remember them. And time away from my babies-- is so different after the second. It is enjoyable.
Not that I don't enjoy every moment of my boys...
but that break was nice too!
Off to the lake we go...
Happy Independence day weekend!!
I love this post it made me laugh so I read it to my sister and she laughed too!