Wednesday, October 27, 2010

15 weeks

[As much as I love to keep my family informed, this blog is also a journal for me.  
Something that I can look back on, and keep track of my life, my pregnancy, and of course of that sweet thing I call Maddox.
I hope these pregnancy statistics don't drive you mad... they are really for my future memory]

Here are a few pics from this morning, before we headed out.  (pardon the crappy camera I used today)

Today we had our 15 week appointment with Dr Deem.
Lance had traded today for Sunday so that he could be off to watch Maddox trick or treat, so he had to miss it.  :(
This was the first OB appointment that he has ever missed.
I was a little apprehensive about going alone, you know- just messing with our jive-
but all was good.

I know he hated not being there, just as much (if not more) than I missed him being there.
If you know Lance, you know he's a hands-on daddy...
and he hates to miss out.
But luckily nothing cool happened this appointment.
I declined my quad-screen again...
So honestly, we just chatted.  About the Christmas in Cowtown, my headband, and our kids Halloween costumes...
have I mentioned that I love my OB doctor! 

She was able to find the heart beat right away.  (thank you Lord)  A strong and health 146bpm.
My blood pressure was perfect.
I had gained 2lbs this time. (So I am now up to 126.)

I haven't reached my132-starting-weight that I began Maddox's pregnancy with, but I feel like I'm on a faster tract to chubby, so I am sure I will blow my 20lb total weight gain out of the water.
At 5'8" I think I can safely go 30... anything more than that might be difficult to get off.
Though Dr Deem feels as if I am doing fine, I think I need to start being a bit more cautious.
She asked me if I was craving anything in particular... sweet... salty??
I said I am craving FOOD. Bad food.  I want sweets.  I want salty.  I want fried.  I want bad.  I want it at midnight.  I want it now.
This is the road to destruction that scares me.  Bad habits.  But I am hungry I tell you! I'm hungry!!

The most exciting thing that came out of today's visit, was the scheduling of our next visit.
The one that we find out the sex!
3 weeks will fly by (I hope!)
I. can. not. wait!!!

My friend Amanda met me at McDonalds so that I wouldn't have to man-handle Maddox alone at my appointment.
I was back to her with in 3o minutes but we ended playing 2 1/2 hours.
The kids had a blast together!  (Maddox loves Katie and "Wucas")
Maddox fed Katie a little icecream!
And they played hide-and-seek.              

I really appreciated Amanda meeting me, but I enjoyed my mommy-time even more!
All 3 of our kids were perfect, so it couldn't have been a better day.

After play-time, we ran over to work for our flu vaccines.
Maddox got the flu mist and I got a preservative-free immunization.
I'll tell you, no one makes me feel like I have a cuter kid than those girls I work with.  They oohed, and awed, and laughed and played with him... and of course Maddox pulled out all of the stops!                                                 
We then had dinner with mom at Don Pablos and came home to watch the Rangers lose. :(
It made me sick to watch-- but I have to keep in mind that they lost game one against the Yankees too... We've got this!!


  1. 3 week will fly by! Your whole pregnancy is going fast already!! Do you have a preference on what you want #2 to be? Keep up the pregnancy journal! I know I like to hear about it!! That first picture of Maddox is so cute, he looks like a 4y/o, not a 2y/o!

  2. Up until yesterday, I was certain it was a girl. Just because my 1st trimester was SO different with his one.... but after I heard the heart beat yesterday, I have changed my mind and I am now certain it is another boy!
    I'll be fine either way. I would love for it to be a girl-- just so that I can one of each... and I feel like I am too creative to have all boys... but if this is a boy, that just means the no-more-babies door can't be shut in my face!!
    And Maddox will have a partner for catch, a goalie to practice soccer with and a lifelong best friend!
    There are definite perks to both sides of the margin!
    So we will see!!
