Wednesday, December 24, 2014


December started rough.
Just a few days after Maddox finished his antibiotic for strep, he started running fever again.
This time it was flu.
Flu A.
And he had 11 other classmates with the same story.
He missed 3 days of school, including a field trip to the Polar Express.
Beckham followed right behind him with 103 fever, and Lance followed Beckham.
This all fell right in the middle of our move...
yes, again.
Just down the road from where we were.
We honestly had no intentions of moving, but an opportunity for a much nicer home came available through some friends, so we took it.

In the middle of the madness, I had a super-important meeting to make, so like mommas do--  I put on my lip stick, pretended to have more sleep than I had in a week, and slipped away for a few.

We used our days home together to get up our tree, hang our stockings, and finally bust out that elf who does more position changes than shenanigans around here.

Days into Beckham's flu, he started crying with ear pain.
Neither of my boys have ever been susceptible to ear infections, and it broke my heart to see him hurt like that.
Of course Beckham was sure that it only hurt from Maddox talking too much though.
Back to the doctor... antibiotics given.

Mom and I had quite a few orders for necklaces, so we juggled sick kids and buffing, to get them all out.

However, sickness and necklace orders had me last minute shopping with Beckham, trying to catch up.
He was such a trooper though.
And I enjoyed our time together.

The last week of school for Maddox was full of fun.
It included Polar Express Day where they wore their Christmas pajamas, and a class party full of games, gifts, and singalongs.
Each kid brought a stocking stuffer-- enough for every kid in the class-- and they came home with a bag full of treats.
We brought Playdough...
Another mom made individual gingerbread houses for each kid!
I can't say it enough-- we truly lucked out with an awesome class.

That evening, we had our first Christmas at Lance's Granny's where the boys got to play with their cousins!

Lance and I got to get fancy that week too, for a Christmas party for his work.
We had a lot of fun at the Lonesome Dove, but the coolest part was realizing that the band playing afterward was our band that we hired for our wedding 8 years ago.
They announced to the crowd that we were their first wedding to play and came to talk to us between sets.  They asked us to hang around a few minutes and then played our song before we left for a dance around the dance floor.
It was really awesome.

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